What's New?

This is a list of new help topics in LS Central 19.5. Click any link to open.

Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights - including subtopics

Action Hub

LS Recommend - including subtopics

LS Activity

Event Category

Events and Conference Reservations

LS eCommerce

Generating QR Codes for Dining Tables in a Dining Area

LS Hotels

LS Hotels help - including subtopics


How to: Put Symbols and Images on POS Buttons

How to: Start an Object in POS

Quick Service Management

How to: Set Up a Self-Service Kiosk

Self-Service Kiosk

Service-to-Service Authentication

How to: Set Up an Azure Active Directory App

How to: Create the External Application Account in LS Central

How to: Set Up LS Central to Use OAuth