Retail Message Setup

Important: Users using Retail Message must exist as an entry in the User Table.

Retail Message tag

Retail Message POS commands

Automatic update when POS is idle

Retail Message web requests

See also

Retail Messages are identified by a number series. The number series will be used as a unique key for the Retail Message Header.

Open the Retail Message Setup page to define a Message Nos.. The Check frequency field is used to define the interval between checks on the POS in minutes.

Retail Message tag

The <#Retail_Message> tag is used to configure the Retail Message button on POS. Make sure that the tag is present in the POS Tag List. If it is not in the list, add a new line by clicking New and insert the exact same values in the fields as shown in the image:

Retail Message POS commands

Retail Messages uses two panels on the POS (#RETAIL-MSG-LIST and #RETAIL-MSG-DETAILS). To activate the first panel with the Retail Message Headers a button’s properties on POS must be set.

  1. Open the POS and right-click a button to use for retail messages.

  2. Set values for the button in the POS Button Properties page:

  3. To make the Glyph for the new message appear, open the Glyphs FastTab in Button Properties and enter parameters as follows (the font that is used here is #FO_SEGOESYMBOLWH20):

The panel definitions are available in the LS Cronus demo company.

Automatic update when POS is idle

It is possible to make the POS update the message status if it is idle. To do that the Idle Action has to be enabled.

  1. The POS command CHECK_NEW_MSG must exist in the Commands list:

  2. If it does not exist, open the Retail Setup page and run the Insert Default Data command.

  3. To enable the POS-Idle event and connect it to the above Command, open the Actions page. Search for POS Actions and add a new Action line as shown in the image below:

Note: When the POS is idle, the refresh rate of the Retail Message button is the one set in the Retail Message Setup:Check Frequency (minutes). Not the POS-Idle timer interval.

Retail Message web requests

The Retail Message system uses three web requests:

The definitions can be viewed and copied from the LS Cronus demo company.

See also

How to: Create Retail Messages