Creating Infocodes with Selection

You can set up infocodes with a number of predefined inputs called selection codes. By using selection codes, the user only needs to select the appropriate code as a response.

See Example - Selection Infocodes for examples.

Selection codes can:

  • be a predefined text input, such as Yes or No.
  • add an item to the transaction.
  • add an infocode discount group to the item line.
  • change VAT bus. posting group on the line.
  • run a Dynamics Business Central object.

Display Option

If the selection infocode has more than one possible selection, the infocode can be displayed in two ways:

  • In the POS Lookup window - the codes appear in a table, and the user selects an Up-Down arrow to scroll to the appropriate code.
  • In the POS Pop-up window – the codes appear as buttons, and the user selects the appropriate code directly.

Setting up Selection Subcodes

If the selection inputs are texts, you only need to fill in the Subcode field and the Description field.

The following is a list of fields that are relevant for setting up the selection subcodes with a trigger function:

Trigger Function

Trigger Code

Max. Selection

Min. Selection

Linked Infocode

Item Related

If the item has variants, you can select a specific variant code in the Variant Code field. Otherwise, the program will prompt you for a variant when this item is selected in the pop-up window.

Variant Code

Price Type

Price Handling


Unit of Measure

Qty. per Unit of Measure

Qty. Linked to Trigger Line

Time Modifier Related

Time Modifier Minutes