
Infocodes contain additional information about the Transaction Header made at the POS terminals. When you assign an infocode to a certain action, for example when refunding goods, voiding a transaction or selling a specific item, the POS terminal system prompts the cashier for input when the action occurs. The Trans. Infocode Entry table contains information about the input from the cashier.

You can assign a specific Type to the infocode, such as a predefined Information Subcode (for example postal codes), a date, a number, an item number, a customer number or a staff ID. Infocodes are also used for creating and applying to application entries, for numbering gift cards and vouchers. The POS terminal only accepts an input from the cashier that is of the defined type.

You can use Linked Infocode to link infocode to another infocode. This makes it possible to have more than one infocode assigned to store actions like voiding and returns.

You can select to print all or part of the infocode information about the customer receipt. After you have set up infocodes, you can assign these to a Item, Tender Type, Income/Expense Account and store actions in the POS Functionality Profile table.