Dining Area

The Dining Area contains the settings for the dining area within a restaurant. This includes the dining table setup with layouts, sections, and settings for the table button appearance. You assign a dining area to a hospitality type that manages dining tables. One dining area can be assigned to more than one hospitality type. For example, the bar and restaurant are selling to the same set of dining tables - they share the same dining area.

The fields are:

Adjac. Drop Dining Table

Adjac. Drop Tbl. w/Seating

Adjac. Drop Tbl. w/Trans.

All. Gra. Tbl. Status Menu ID

All. List View Status Menu ID

All. Reserv. Status Menu ID

All. Timel. Tbl Status Menu ID

Amt. Info (%A)

Automatic Alloc. on Reserv.

Context Menu ID (Adjust)

Context Menu ID (Design)

Cover Exceeds Capacity

Current Layout

Default Seating Capacity


Dining Area Templates Exist

Dining Duration Code

Dining Table Button Menu ID

Dining Table Caption

Dining Table Columns

Dining Table ID

Dining Table POS Menu ID

Dining Table Rows

Dining Table Staff Descr.

Dining Tbl. Alert-Ellipse Skin

Display Seat. Cap. in Status

Ending Table No.

Free Tbl. Max Time Wait (Min)

Guest Count (%G)

Guest ID (%C)


Layout Menu Pages

Layout View

Max. Guests Per Table

No. of Columns Shown

No. of Dining Tables

No. of Orders (%O)

Overlapping on Table

Prevent if More than (Min.)

Request No. of Guests

Restaurant No.

Seating Multiple Table Allocations

Seating Time Info

Serving Time Info

Sort Tbls. by Rank on Alloc.

Starting Table No.

Status Info (%S)

Table ID (%I)

Tables with No Seating Cap.

Time Heading POS Menu ID

Time Info (%T)

Timeline Panel ID

Use Seating Capacity

View by Period

View Time Interval (Min.)

View Time Range (Min.)

Wait. List Default Guest Name

Warn if More than (Min.)