LS Recommend Performance Report

The LS Recommend Performance Report is used to display a summary of sales and margin figures with regards to total sales and transactions that contain sales of items that were recommended during the transaction.

To view the LS Recommend Performance Report

  1. Click the icon, enter LS Recommend Performance, and select the relevant link.
  2. Fill in the relevant fields in the Filters FastTab, if you want the data to be filtered to specific Stores, POS terminals, and a date range of Transaction Sales Entries.
  3. Click the Calculate Performance action to calculate.

The below list explains the fields in the Transactions & Item Quantity and Sales & Margin FastTabs:

Field Description
Transactions (Recomm.) This field shows the number of Transaction Headers that carry a sold item that has been recommended by LS Recommend.
Item Qty. Sold (Recomm.) This field shows the total quantity of sold items in Transactions Sales Entries which have been recommended by LS Recommend.
Sales Amount (All) This field shows the total sales amount from Transaction Sales Entries within the filtered data selection.
Sales Amount (Recomm., Headers) This field shows the total sales amount from Transaction Headers that carry a sold item that has been recommended by LS Recommend.
Sales Amount (Recomm., Lines) This field shows the total sales amount from Transaction Sales Entries for items that have been recommended by LS Recommend.
Sales % (All) This field shows the ratio of the sales amount of recommended and sold items versus the total sales amount from all transactions in the filtered data selection.
Sales % (Recomm. Transactions) This field shows the ratio of the sales amount of recommended and sold items versus the total sales amount from transactions having at least one recommended and sold item.
Margin Amount (All) This field shows the total margin amount from Transaction Sales Entries within the filtered data selection.
Margin Amount (Recomm., Headers) This field shows the total margin amount from Transaction Headers which carry a sold item that has been recommended by LS Recommend.
Margin Amount (Recomm., Lines) This field shows the total margin amount from Transaction Sales Entries for items that have been recommended by LS Recommend.
Margin % (All) This field shows the ratio of the margin amount of recommended and sold items versus the total margin amount from all transactions in the filtered data selection.
Margin % (Recomm. Transactions) This field shows the ratio of the margin amount of recommended and sold items versus the total margin amount from transactions having at least one recommended and sold item.

Additionally, the LS Recommend Performance Report comes with two charts which provide graphical overviews of the sales and margin performance information of items recommended by LS Recommend:

  • Performance Chart 1 - shows the ratio of the sales and margin amount of recommended and sold items versus the total sales and margin amount from all transactions in the filtered data selection.

  • Performance Chart 2 - shows the ratio of the sales and margin amount of recommended and sold items versus the total sales and margin amount from transactions having at least one recommended and sold item.

The charts show the sales and margin information per store location.