Requesting a Description for Transactions with Specific Sales Type

It can be very useful in a quick service scenario to request a description to be entered (such as the name of the customer) either at the start of each transaction or when the customer pays for the transaction. When the order is ready to be served, the staff calls out the name or the customer sees his or her name on a display showing orders that are ready.

To request a description for a sales type


Display in POS

Display in KDS

See also

When suspending a transaction, you can let the program prompt you to enter the name of the customer. When the transaction is recalled, its easier to identify the suspended order with the name.

You can let the program request a description for transactions that have a specific sales type.

To request a description for a sales type

  1. Click the icon, enter Sales Type List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select a sales type, and click Manage - Edit.
  3. In the Request Description field (the Requests FastTab), select the appropriate option:
    • No.
    • At Start of Transaction - Suitable for a takeaway scenario where the order is not paid for until it is picked up.
    • On Suspend - Suitable for marking a transaction with a description when suspended.
    • On Posting - Suitable for a quick service scenario where the customer orders and pays right away and the order is served later.
    • On Suspend and Posting.

The Requested Description field in the POS Transaction table contains the requested description. If the Comment field in the POS Transaction table contains nothing (it may already contain a queue counter), the program copies the requested description into the Comment field. The requested description is also copied into the Customer Name field in the KOT Header table.


The requested description always appears on a kitchen order ticket printout.

The requested description appears on the customer receipt only if it has been copied into the Comment field of the POS transaction table. If the Comment field contains a queue counter, the requested description does not appear on the customer receipt.

Display in POS

The requested description is available as a POS tag and can be put on menus where appropriate (the POS Transaction must be accessible). The Requested Description or Comment field in the POS Transaction table can be added to data tables showing POS Transactions.

Display in KDS

The KDS uses the Customer Name field in the KOT Header table to display the Requested Description.

Usually, the customer name is shown on the Customer Facing Display Stations (CFD). It is configured in the KDS Display Profile.
You can locate the Display Profile on the relevant Display Station or you can go directly to the profile.

  • To configure the Display Profile directly:
    Click the icon, enter Display Profile, and select the relevant link.
  • To configure from the Display Station: 
    Click the icon, enter Display Station, and select the relevant link. Locate the Display Profile ID field in the KDS Profiles FastTab.

Select Customer Name from the drop-down list for the Field Data field in the Display  Profile Line Columns setup.

See also

How to: Use Queue Counter and Customer Name to identify Orders

How to: Design a Chit Display and a Line Display (KDS Display Profile)