Transfer POS Commands

The following commands are available for use in the Transfer panel. Parameters apply to the Transfer panel usage of these commands only.

Tip: Double-clicking a line moves it between grids.

Command Parameters Description
TRTBL_PART   Opens up the one-grid or two-grid Transfer panel. First, you must select an order you want to transfer from (on a dining table or an order list), then press the TRTBL_PART button, and then select an order (on a dining table or an order list) or an empty dining table you want to transfer to.
MARK_ALL   Marks all lines in the active grid. If placed on Grid Menu 2, it marks all lines in grid 2. Otherwise, it marks all lines in grid 1.
MARK_GUEST   This POS command marks all lines that have the same guest number as the selected line. If the line has 0 guest number, all lines with 0 guest numbers will be selected. Double-clicking a line has the same effect as pressing a button with this command.
TRANSF_LINE   This POS command is used within the Transfer panel to perform most tasks.
No parameter
  • BACK: transfers selected lines (lines that have been moved only (marked *)) from the destination transaction back.
  • CANCEL_LAST: cancels the last move. Does not close the panel.
  • CANCEL_ALL: cancels all moves, panel appears the same as when you opened it. Does not close the panel.
  • TRANSF+: increases the number of transferring guests by 1 (cover number of destination + 1, cover number of origin - 1).
  • TRANSF-: decreases the number of transferring guests by 1 (cover number of destination – 1, cover number of origin + 1).
  • GUEST+: increases the guest number of the selected lines by 1 (destination only).
  • GUEST-:decreases the guest number of the selected lines by 1 (destination only).
  • SHOWGRID: shows the From grid or To grid. This is used in a one-grid layout in the header menu to open up the From grid or To grid.
  • TRANSFER: if lines have been moved to grid 2 (destination transaction), those lines are transferred and the panel closes. If not, all lines of the order (or the order as a whole) are transferred to the destination and the panel closes. The button with this command and parameter needs to have a POS tag as Description: <#TransferButtonDescr>. The description is Transfer All if no lines have been moved, and Transfer if lines have been moved.
Moves selected lines to the destination transaction.


CANCEL   Closes the Transfer panel without saving any changes that have been carried out in the panel after opening.