Hospitality Type

Hospitality Types are a powerful feature to add more views to the Hospitality Startup POS. The top menu section in Hospitality Startup POS represents the types that have been setup for the restaurant.

A hospitality type consists of a sales type within a restaurant.

Here is a list of fields in alphabetical order:

Access To Other Restaurant

Active KDS Load Config.

Adding Items after Bill Print

After Transaction Posted

Always Send Void. Lines to KDS

Auto Logoff at POS Exit

Combine Split Lines Action

Confirm Send to KDS

Confirm Window Panel ID

Current Din. Area Layout Code

Delivery Grid Panel ID


Dining Area ID

Dir. Sales POS Interf. Prof.ID

Dir. Sales POS Menu Profile ID

Grid Data Table ID

Grid Direct Edit Menu ID

Grid Order Details Menu ID

Guest Buttons

Guest Buttons Menu Columns

Guest Buttons Menu Rows

Guest Buttons on Pad

Guest Buttons Ordered By

Guest Handling

KDS Display/Printing

Layout Function Menu ID

Layout View

Manager Takeover in Trans.

Max. Guests Per Order

Menu Type Usage

Menu Type Deal Usage

Mobile KDS Confirm. Display

Mobile Status Action Set ID

Mobile Status Color Set ID

Move Whole Transaction (Mgr.)

Move Whole Trans. (Non-Mgr.)

On POS Exit/Posting

On Seat Pop-up Selection

Open Sales POS after Logon

Order Guest Marking

Order ID

Partial Transfer (Mgr.) (From)

Partial Transfer (Non-Mgr.) (From)

Partial Transfer (Mgr.) (To)

Partial Transfer (Non-Mgr.) (To)

Queue Counter Code

Restaurant KDS In Use

Restaurant No.

Sales POS Interface Profile ID

Sales POS Menu Profile ID

Sales POS Opening Mode

Sales Type

Select Guest on Splitting

Send Training Trans. to KDS

Service Flow ID

Service Type

Sharing Sales Type Filter

Show Voided Lines in Conf. Win

Split Bill Panel ID

Splitting a Bill Printed Trans

Staff Takeover in Trans.

Table Transfer Panel ID

Tips Income Acc. 1

Tips Income Acc. 2

Tips Panel ID

View Multiple Restaurants